Home charging for electric vehicles with eClick.

Get help with eClick docking stations, whether you’re a homeowner or housing developer.

Home charging for electric vehicles with eClick.

What’s an eClick charging station?

When you buy a new house you may find that your property comes with an EV charge point or docking station installed.

These were designed to make EV home charger installations easier.

What do I do if I have an eClick docking station?

If you have an eClick docking station then we can swap it out for an EV home charger. All you need to do is fill out the contact form and we’ll be in touch.

To the EV eClick form

How to get an EV charger installed with eClick.

Get in touch with us.

Answer a few simple questions about your car and home.

Choose a charger.

Check out our range of EV chargers and choose the one right for your home.

Do a video survey.

We’ll complete a video survey with you and arrange a time to install.

Installation day.

One of our EV experts will come to your home and install your new charger.

Control your EV charger with the E.ON Home app.

Enjoy full control of your EV charger with the E.ON Home app:

  • Set your charger timer for the cheapest off-peak rates and see how much you've saved.

  • Track your energy use and stay on top of your spending.

  • Get a home charger quote

E.ON Home app

How eClick can benefit housing developers.

The government announced in 2021 that all new build properties need to have an EV charger to meet our net zero goals. eClick offers you a low cost, passive EV charging solution which will help you be compliant with current and future regulations.

The eClick docking station will be fully installed with a protective earth and neutral monitoring device (PEN) and securely mounted by your electrical contractor.

Get in touch with our business team to see how we can help.

What are the benefits of eClick for housing development?

  • Our prices are extremely competitive with a rebate for group deals.

  • eClick docking stations are quick and simple to install.

  • Because our product is modular, your customers have a choice of EV charger, whereas other providers only offer full solutions from day one.

  • We will provide a simple installation guide to make sure you meet the current IET standards.

  • Our product will put you in the best position to comply fully with planning policies today and building regulations tomorrow.

  • The risk of parts becoming obsolete is significantly reduced as we manufacture the product in-house.

  • The need for DNO upgrades can be eliminated with our free and smart site-wide load balancing.

  • We offer 7.4/11/22kW charge speeds on all products in the range.

  • We offer a standard 3-year warranty with the option to extend.

  • We use an IP55 rated cover that will keep your eClick safe, secure and weather-proof, ready for your home buyers.