Baby Steps.

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Welcome to Baby Steps.

Sustainability can be an intimidating prospect if you think about it too much. It all gets a bit overwhelming. I mean, the fate of the world depends on it, right? That’s one of the reasons we’re approaching this climate action thing one little big step at a time.

The shift to renewables doesn’t need to be a schlep. Let’s enjoy the journey. So, a toasty warm welcome mums, dads and carers to Baby Steps, our most family-friendly of blogs!

Here, you’ll find some crafty resources to keep little ones amused, early evening or on a weekend, all packed with potential feel-good energy. Even if it is for just a few minutes at a time. Because the saving and spending of energy definitely includes the physical and mental. If you can’t buy yourselves seven or eight minutes of peace to have a quick doomscroll, or a cheeky 125ml of an evening, then what’s it all about?

And as sweet as our regular puzzles, pointers and printouts here will be for the kids, this is also a place for you to hang with like-minded parental units in our Community. Feel free to exchange thoughts and share ideas. Some of them might even make their way into these pages.

For example, remember Jessica, the mum who posted an image of her kids ‘charging up’ their pyjamas last year?

“Looking for a way to keep your kids still? Buy them glow in the dark PJs. Tell them they have to lie really still under the light to ‘charge’ them. I’m not even sorry,” she confided on Facebook.

That’s what we’re talking about. Well, kind of.

Sure, you could argue lying on the floor under a lightbulb for 10 minutes is a waste of energy. But the kids in question, aged three and four at the time, actually had a sensory processing disorder. Resting for a few minutes helped with their sleep routine each night. And the phosphorescent PJs kept them from turning on any lights for the duration. Not to mention the fact it gave mum some much needed respite. That’s an energy saver!

Got some awesome energy-related tips and tricks for the kids? Be sure to let us know in the comments below – and listen out for further pitter-patterings from us soon!


Oh, and check out these downloadable and totally doable activities. These might help in reducing the old screen time a bit, as well as reducing those junior-sized carbon footprints. #BabySteps

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Published 31/03/2021