What is the Demand Flexibility Service?

What is the Demand Flexibility Service?

What is the Demand Flexibility Service?

The Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) is a project run by the National Grid Electricity Supply Operators (ESO). It rewards energy users for reducing their energy consumption during peak time events. The aim is to spread the demand for electricity over winter to avoid using polluting coal back-up generators – keeping Britain’s energy cleaner.

The National Grid ESO identifies peak times of day for electricity use. This happens because many of us have similar daily routines. During these peak time slots the National Grid ESO are asking us to use less electricity – then paying for the electricity we don’t use.

Earn a bit of money when you use less. The more events you do, the more you can save. See if you’re eligible.

Since November 2022 E.ON Next customers have taken part in Demand Flexibility Service events from the National Grid.

If you want to learn more about this winter's (2023-24) Demand Flexibility Service events read our latest blog. Check out some of the incredible achievements we made last winter 2022-23:

Total energy saved over 12 events.

Altogether E.ON Next customers saved 246204.47 kWh of energy during our events. That’s enough energy to watch a 50W TV for 562 years. Or drive around the world 41 times in an electric vehicle - now that’s what we call a road trip.

Total customers who took part.

With such an incredible amount of energy saved, it’s no wonder a whopping 144,878 E.ON Next customers took part. In our biggest energy saving event so far, 88,408 of you wonderful Nexties came together to take part at once. Great teamwork everyone!

Highest rewards earned by a single customer.

Huge congratulations to our top energy savers:

  • The highest reward earned in a single event was an incredible £75.

  • Our top saver over all 12 events managed to earn £263.68.

Just goes to show that saving energy can really add up, making a big difference to your annual energy bills.

Top 3 energy saving communities.

  • Sheffield

  • Nottingham

  • Newcastle

Great effort everyone - we can all make a real difference when we come together thanks to the power of smart. Don’t worry if you missed out this time round, you can book your smart meter installation online to take part in any future events and rewards.

How does the Demand Flexibility Service work?

The National Grid ESO is identifying peak times of day for electricity use this winter. Peak times are periods in the day when electricity use suddenly increases throughout the UK. This happens because many of us have similar daily routines. During these peak time slots the National Grid ESO are asking us to use less electricity – then paying for the electricity we don’t use. Peak times are not always the same, meaning the event may happen at different times on different days. However, we anticipate that most events will be between 1 to 4 hours, occurring between 4pm and 7pm. Energy companies will be alerted of an upcoming event the day before. E.ON Next will immediately alert customers participating. Customers can only sign up to one supplier to take part in the National Grid's Demand Flexibility Service.

What are the benefits?

Spreading the demand for electricity more evenly across the day has three great benefits:

  1. It maximises the use of off peak renewable energy – making the most of our clean energy sources.

  2. It avoids using coal back-up generators for extra electricity – meaning less pollution and a healthier planet.

  3. It lowers the cost of peak time electricity – helping everyone to spend a little less.

At E.ON Next, our fixed tariff customers already enjoy 100% renewable electricity* but it still comes from the National Grid. By taking part you will help make the National Grid’s electricity cleaner across Great Britain. Plus, you can save money by reducing your energy use, as well as earn credit toward your next energy bill.

Energy switching.

If you want to take part in the Demand Flexibility Service, you will need to participate through your energy supplier. We will contact eligible customers to see if they would like to take part. Our energy switching experience for customers has personalised goals for reducing energy use during events. By meeting your target for an event you will be rewarded with credit to your E.ON Next account. To be eligible you'll need a smart meter that automatically sends half hourly readings, so we can calculate your daily electricity use, and have given us 'marketing consent' so that we can contact you. Find out more information about the Demand Flexibility Service at E.ON Next.

How can you reduce your electricity usage if you take part?

The simplest way to reduce your electricity use during an event is to shift the time you are using your most energy intensive appliances. That might mean cooking dinner a little later or charging your gadgets during the day. You can also try using more energy efficient alternatives during the events. For example, microwaves and air fryers use less energy than ovens and hobs when preparing hot food for dinner (a common peak time). Hanging clothes on your airer when your heating is on uses less energy than using your tumble dryer. And of course, remember to turn off your light switches and plug sockets when they are not in use. For some more inspiration check out our top tips on how saving energy pays. Just remember that the events only consider your electricity usage. Together, by making small changes to the way we use electricity we can keep our energy cleaner this winter. In return, to say thank you for being a team player, you’ll save money on your energy bills when you take part. If you are eligible to take part in Energy Shift we will contact you with more information on how to get involved.

Make your home smarter with a smart meter.

Switching to a smart meter means you can see exactly what you are spending on your energy in real time. Knowledge is power when it comes to powering our homes. Together we can reduce energy bills as well as carbon emissions. Find out how you can get a smart meter for your home.

Smart meter customers have their say.

See what our smart meter customers say about their experience with smart meters. Meet Mairead, Clem and Julian who've used their smart meter to budget their energy better.

Bills support.

We want to reassure you that we are dedicated to helping you where we can. We have put together some helpful resources where you can access support from us, charities and the government.

Contact our Energy Specialists if you’re having difficulty.

Our Energy Specialists are here to help you if you’re concerned about your energy bills. If you’re struggling to pay, please visit our help page to find out more about how we can support you. You can reach out to our Energy Specialists for personal advice on WhatsApp.

Feel the Community power.

The E.ON Next Community is a space for customers just like you, to share experiences and offer advice. Find support or suggest your own energy topics, plus get involved in discussions on the latest energy news.

Join the conversation

*Electricity backed by 100% renewable sources, E.ON's renewable generation assets, agreements with UK generators and the purchase of renewable electricity certificates. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Fixed term contracts only. Smart meter required, where eligible. Exit fees and T&Cs apply.

Published 29/11/2022
Edited 14/12/2023