What is eco-anxiety and how to talk about it?

What is eco-anxiety and how to talk about it?

Rising sea levels. Extreme weather. Endangered species. Facing climate change can be overwhelming – making us feel powerless to make a change. That is why it is so important that we raise awareness of eco-anxiety and how to manage it. If we allow ourselves the space to build healthy minds, then we can power up and take action to build a healthy planet too.

What is eco-anxiety?

Eco-anxiety is a blanket term for the negative eco-emotions that, if not managed with sensitivity and self care, can paralyse us from taking climate action. They are a completely natural response to the very real issue of climate change. People experiencing eco-anxiety may feel: • Anxious. • Depressed. • Angry. • Hopeless. • Afraid. • Guilty. These negative feelings are the result of how much we care about the future of our world. Those with the strongest desire to take climate action are the most likely to report experiencing eco-anxiety. By learning how to navigate these eco-emotions we can build the resilience necessary to take action against climate change – and start the journey to a healthy, happy planet. Currently, eco-anxiety is not a recognised medical diagnosis in the UK. However, if any of these feelings are interfering with your ability to conduct your daily life, you should contact your GP.

Starting the eco-anxiety conversation.

Raising awareness about eco-anxiety is the first step to turning it around into positive climate action. The UK is famous for its ‘stiff upper lip’ mentality. But thankfully, after years of campaigning by mental health advocates, such as our charity partner Mind, we are learning to open up about how we feel. Climate change is an issue that everyone has in common. So let’s start the conversation. Whether you have a family discussion, a classroom debate, or a quiet chat with a friend, you could help someone start their own journey towards managing their eco-anxiety. Struggling to find the right words? Mind has created a thoughtful guide to talking about mental health with your friends and family.

Tackling Eco-anxiety

Tackling eco-anxiety: E.ON Next helps colleagues understand climate change and how to cope with eco-anxiety.

Our mission.

At E.ON Next we are on a journey of transformation, from an energy company into a sustainability company. We are committed to building a net zero future, helping to transform UK energy by supplying 100% renewable electricity* to our fixed tariff customers. A key step on our journey to sustainability is our aim to raise awareness about the growing challenges of eco-anxiety in the UK. Our team has been working hard to gather leading research and helpful resources to provide support for people experiencing eco-anxiety. By joining forces with eco-psychologists, climate campaigners, and charities, we hope to lead the conversation around eco-anxiety and turn it around into positive climate action. Take the first step on your journey through eco-anxiety.

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*Electricity backed by 100% renewable sources, E.ON's renewable generation assets, agreements with UK generators and the purchase of renewable electricity certificates. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Fixed term contracts only. Smart meter required, where eligible. Exit fees and T&Cs apply.

Published 21/02/2023