Renewable energy explained.
Renewable energy is energy that we collect from renewable sources. Sounds simple, right? The complicated bit is where do these renewable sources come from and how we can make sure that they’re providing us with enough gas and electricity to meet our ever-growing demand.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves, let’s take a look at how renewable energy is produced.
How do we get renewable energy?
The main sources of renewable energy are:
Based on REN21’s report, renewables contributed 19.3% to humans' global energy consumption and 24.5% to their generation of electricity in 2015 and 2016, respectively1. This means that the electricity coming into your home is a mixture of some or all of these sources. For example, last year we provided our customers with electricity which was:
64% off-shore wind.
22% on-shore wind.
9% biomass.
5% hydro.
Why choose renewable energy?
Many renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, emit virtually no greenhouse gases when generating electricity2. Replacing fossil fuels with these clean renewable sources helps to lower our carbon footprint and reduce our impact on climate change.
Better yet, investing in renewable energy will improve UK energy security, helping to make energy prices more stable and affordable in the long term3.
What is renewable energy?
Wind. Solar. Hydroelectric. Biomass. Renewable energy has taken root at the heart of the climate conversation. But how much do you actually know about renewable energy?
The Independent’s Decomplicated series, in partnership with E.ON Next, explores the renewable energy transition on the road to net zero, and answers fundamental questions relating to renewables, such as where it comes from and how it is harnessed.
Switching to renewable energy.
An Ofgem survey found that 53% of people found energy tariff confusing, which we’re here to try and end. Between fixed and variable, “clean bolt-ons” and green tariffs it can be a lot to take in, plus trying to work out whether the energy you’re getting is renewable can be as difficult as trying to do a sudoku in the dark. At E.ON Next, all of the electricity we supply to our Next Gust4 and Next Drive5 customers is backed by 100% renewable sources.